Ok, so this is my blog of my adventures around the world!!! First stop it's Nepal to climb to Everest Base Camp and a few other bits, then it's onto Sri Lanka for a month of teaching English, I will also be meeting Ev, my partner in crime for the rest of the trip! Then its a quick stop in Thailand on the way down to a month in Australia. And finally the bit I really can't wait to do, 7 weeks in New Zealand and then home!!!!

Monday 31 March 2008

Tues 1st of April, I'll blacklist you!!!!

Ok so its been a while since my last blog, but there isn't much to write about during the week as all I do is eat, teach and sleep. However the weekends are a totally different story. Our weekend started early last week, on thursday night we went out with the boys we teach for a meal in the local town. Nothing too exciting happened other than one of them did a really good shaggy impression and then got so drunk he passed out and puked, nice eh. The next morning we had to get up really early to catch a train to Galle (the nearest big town to Unawatuna). It was horrific, it smelt and looked like bus station toilet and we were stared at constantly by locals and all the beggars instantly came to us for money, been grabbed by a man with no legs is kinda freaky. Nearly 6 hours later we finally got to Galle and got a tuktuk to Unawatuna. Our hotel we were staying in for the weekend was actually on the beach, as in you walked out the door and it was there infront of you. I've never seen sea so blue it was ace. So then basically we spent till sunday just chilling on the beach and going to a fair few beach parties where prehaps too much Arrack and Vodka was consumed. On sunday I went into Galle to look around with a few other volunteers from the Kosgoda project who were also with us in Unawatuna. It was in Galle I got the best bargain ever (or of the weekend anyway) Ipod speakers that worked and go really loud for less than 3 quid including batteries, whooop. Not much else happened over the weekend other than me and Steph booked to do some scuba diving next weekend so we're going back to Unawatuna, hopefully we will also get to release a baby turtle hatchling into the sea! We came back to Sputnik on monday, we spent 6/7hours on the train to Kandy as there was no direct train and from Kandy we we're supposed to be getting a bus from Kandy back to Sputnik but unfortunatly the train was late and we missed the last bus so we had to get a taxi. I agreed with the taxi driver 2500 rupees however when we got to sputnik he kept going 3500 rupees not 2500, we then argued for half an hour over it and in the end we gave him the money and I then told him I'd tell every tourist I met not to use his taxi firm which sort of worked because he gave us 500 rupees back. Anyways that's about it! xx

1 comment:

Mark R said...

grrrr - just typed a comment and then the machine ate it.
try again
i've read it twice and can't work out what's the April Fule bit? or is it all a April Fule?
are you going red, nearly brown or indeed still pasty bright glow in the dark white?
look forward to reading more