Ok, so this is my blog of my adventures around the world!!! First stop it's Nepal to climb to Everest Base Camp and a few other bits, then it's onto Sri Lanka for a month of teaching English, I will also be meeting Ev, my partner in crime for the rest of the trip! Then its a quick stop in Thailand on the way down to a month in Australia. And finally the bit I really can't wait to do, 7 weeks in New Zealand and then home!!!!

Thursday 6 March 2008

Thurs 6th march, Chicken Hips

So today I started a 4 days white water kayaking course, eeeeeeeee! Our first day was on lake Fewa in Pokhara, we just did all the basics, eg. eskimo rolls, paddling, T-rescues etc without the rapids! I discovered I hate doing eskimo rolls, as I have chicken hips according to my instructor. When you capsize your supposed to flick your hips before bringing your head up to get back the right way. Except I don't do it with enough power hence the name chicken hips, your supposed to have tiger hips lol! From tommorow we'll actually be on the river and doing some rapids whooooo, we camp at night by the side of the river, I can't wait!!!! I've not really done much else today other than eat lol. So I will update you on how it all goes on Monday, hopefully I won't drown!!! Oooo, one final thing I'm going paragliding next week!!!!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Hey Hol!

I've been doing a kayaking course since November and I finally managed to do an eskimo roll for the first time a few weeks ago. The key is to lean forward while you're under water. Keep your body as close to the boat as possible then unwind your body as you come up and you'll come back up without even thinking about it. Suddenly the hip flick is so easy you'll feel stupid for not being able to do it before. Keep those thighs in the thigh braces, flick those hips and suddenly it'll seem really easy.

When you're on the river do nothing but keep your arms moving. When you're moving down rapids the water takes control of you the millisecond you stop paddling. Keep paddling and you'll do just fine. I did my first river trip in the Lakes a month or two back. The only time I went in was when I got pinned against some stepping stones (much to the amusement of some hikers on the bank) Apart from that I got down all the rapids and laughed at everybody else who swam at least four times each day. It was awesome! You'll love it!