Ok, so this is my blog of my adventures around the world!!! First stop it's Nepal to climb to Everest Base Camp and a few other bits, then it's onto Sri Lanka for a month of teaching English, I will also be meeting Ev, my partner in crime for the rest of the trip! Then its a quick stop in Thailand on the way down to a month in Australia. And finally the bit I really can't wait to do, 7 weeks in New Zealand and then home!!!!

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Thursday 12th June, Don't you dare push me!

Right so we had a complete change of plans over the last few days, we didn't do a canyon swing in Taupo as we found a better one in Rotorua however I did do the bungy jump in Taupo which is New Zealands highest water touch bungy. So it was just me for the bungy as Ev can't do it coz she has funny insides. We got to the bungy place and there was quite a few other people, so I watched a few other people jump and I admit, I was mildly horrified. Anyway finally it came around to me, I went onto the platform and they strapped my legs together and put the velcro straps on. Whilst they we're strapping me up another person was doing a jump, by this point I was very nervous, I'm gonna puke was definatly a thought going through my brain. So next it was me, I shuffled up to the edge as obviously my legs were strapped together, and I took one peer over the edge and turned to the guy and babbled I can't do it, its terrfying, don't you dare push me! The guy, who clearly had people do this all the time, turned me back around to the ledge and said you do want to do it otherwise you wouldnt have paid. He then said I'm gonna count to three and say bungy and your going to jump and make sure you smile for your picture. So I turned back around quaking in my trainers, He said one, two, three, bungy, and next thing I know I'm hurtling face first towards are rather cold looking expanse of water. Now my mother would probably have disowened my had she heard the amount of swearing I did but I didn't buy the dvd of my jump so she never has to see it lol. So thats about it, my very first bungy. We also did a few no quite so exciting things whilst in Taupo such as the craters of the moon walk, this was a 45min walk through some craters that due to theraml/volcanic activity hissed and spewed out alot of steam, sounds alot more impressive than it actually was. So after our adventurous day we moved on to Rotorua, on the way to Rotorua we stopped at Kerosene creek to sit in it. Now I know what your all thinking we've finally gone mad or that the bungy jump scambled my brains, why would we sit in a creek. Well the water was hot as it comes from a lake which has thermal activity under it. However if you sit in the actual lake you cook literally, turkey style. So after our quick dip we carried on with our journey to Rotorua. This is where it gets interesting we've had a crazy few days in Rotorua infact I've become a bit of an adrenaline junkie. So far in Rotorua we've done 'the swoop' and white water rafting on the Kaituna which is particulary interesting as it flows over one of the largest commercially rafted waterfalls in world, the 7m Okere falls. In regards to white water rafting, I won't bore you with the details it was exciting and very wet as our raft completly went under. The swoop is where you get in a bag and are winched up to a great height and then you swoop down, the one small detail we mustn't forget here though is the fact that one of us has to pull the cord to let us go! I got the wonderful task of pulling the cord, swooping was great fun but one of the best bits had to be when we saw the pictures after, Ev was pulling such a face the people behind the desk had zoomed in on her and put are large picture of it up on the screen which everyone could see. So as you can see I've been having an exciting time and I'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Dayum women! Sounds like you're having an awesome time.

I went on one of those swoop things at a theme park in America last year. Swinging and falling was easy. It was the hoisting up to the top and being sat there for 30 seconds before we finally had the balls to rip the cord that was scary. It was awesome though. :-)